Location: St. Vincent & Grenadines

You were driving home in the dark on one glass-slippered heel, window sliced open and bathing in the snowliquor of the night air. We heard you singing, and couldn't bear to wake you.

03 June 2005

If the pot won't hold our love, then we'll dash it to the ground.

Today is the oneth birthday of Genevieve Edison Ivy Bourgea.

About two hours and 365 days ago, she was plucked from the womb by the wonderfully named Dr. Heidi Pflum, who wore an exciting purple bandana behind her scrubs and worked with quick precision. Into the pre-summer evening came our bonny lass, pink and squawking, a 9 on the Apgar. Lovely from the very first. And lovelier still every day since.

In honor of her first full trip around the sun, I've finally figured out how to interface Flickr and Blogger so that I can bring you, at long last, NEW BABY PICTURES.

There will be more as time permits. To see what's there now, click the green button on the left-hand side of the page. Then, surrender to baby goodness.


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